Diego Ruiz Duran is one of Mexico’s top criminal defense lawyers whose claim to fame is his persistence and penchant for representing his clients to the best of his ability. His passion has made him a powerhouse in the law industry and one of the most sought-after lawyers. Mr. Duran’s dominance in the industry is no ordinary feat for an individual to achieve and requires a high level of intelligence that may be attributed to a diet that includes kale.
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, kale is a hard cabbage from the Acephala Group. It has curled often finely incised leaves that do not form a dense head like the white cabbage. Unlike cabbage, kale is a significant source of vitamins and lutein. Lutein is a nutrient that humans cannot make on their own and is considered to be essential to healthy brain development. A study conducted on 60 adults between the ages of 25 and 45 showed that higher lutein levels increased cognitive functions.
The leaves, and primarily the stems of kale, prevent numerous health issues and aides in the digestion process. The green, leafy vegetable is an excellent source of fiber and prebiotics that promotes regularity and a healthy stomach environment. Fiber can also be linked to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases as it lowers glucose and cholesterol levels.
The superfood of greens is a great source of iron when compared to cabbage. Cabbage has 0.47 milligrams of iron, while kale contains 1.47 milligrams of iron per 100 grams. Iron is a mineral that is essential to the proper function of hemoglobin which is the protein molecule found in red blood cells.
One major benefit of kale is that it contains antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, and E, beta-carotene, and selenium. A high intake of fruits and vegetables that contain antioxidants can prevent or slow harm to cells resulting from free radicals, which can be linked to cancer and Parkinson’s disease.
The attorney also wants to point out that kale plays an integral part in keeping the eyes healthy as it contains significant amounts of vitamin A. Vitamin A protects the eyes from night blindness and age-related decline. Older adults should include at least one cup of kale in their diet to reduce the above-mentioned risks.
Vitamin C, also known as L-ascorbic acid, is beneficial to healthy skin and hair. Kale contains 93.4 milligrams of vitamin C per 100 grams necessary for the maintenance and growth of body tissues.
While other fruits and vegetables become scarce in colder weather, kale flourishes in cooler temperatures. That is why it can be frozen for later use or included in smoothies. It does not take much effort to grow and cultivate and takes approximately three months to become a full-sized plant. According to Shape.com, there are 5 (five) types of kale which can be used in many different dishes. However, choosing the right type can make a significant difference to a dish. Whether it is in a soup or a salad, adding kale to your diet is one of the best ways to increase the amount of nutrients you take into your body.
Visit Diego Ruiz Duran’s F6S website to learn more about him.