As Helen Lee Schifter once said, “Preparing oneself of a journey of mindfulness and serenity doesn’t come without true commitment. It takes courage and bravery to step out of one’s comfort zone and pursue the greater good”. For many years, Schifter has been idolized by the wellness community for her good works and charitable nature. As she grew with health and wellness, she has created predictions for what is to come.
The health and wellness atmosphere is highly fluid. Many people of all shapes and sizes are part of this glorious community.
Schifter has done her best challenging what will occur early next year. As more and more people stay at home as a result of the pandemic, fitness journeys will have to stay at home. The online fitness world has drastically changed the fitness industry. For many people, starting their journeys at home is much better than in a public place.
Wellness experts and Schifter believe that people will continue working out in the comfort of their homes. Many instructor courses can be found online for free. YouTube has a variety of courses for individuals to partake in. Some of those channels include; The FItness Marshall, POPSUGAR Fitness, Blogilates, FitnessBlender, Yoga with Adriene, Chole Ting, and many more! These are all experts in their field and it’s become clear that people are going to continue following their guidance into 2021.
Helen, as shown on PRNewswire, has developed a very renowned audience in mindfulness and wellness. This is because her work in the fashion industry has taught her how incredibly important a healthy mind is. Helen recently started a YouTube channel in which she shows people how to remain peaceful. Having a calm mind is heavily associated with fitness as people have to have the right mindset to be successful in their journey. In 2021, Helen hopes that people will focus on their inner peace so they can get the best experience out of their fitness journey.
When people have very clogged minds and overthink about such unnecessary things, it can make them feel very unmotivated. Schifter predicts that there will be a new program or channel that focuses on connecting the mind with the body. That way, those who struggle with eating disorders, or mental health, have a safe space online to start their fitness activities.
Wellness is so much more than meets the eye. People of all ages can embark on this journey. By no means are there any restrictions. Fitness and wellness are not about losing weight or looking like the “ideal body type”, it is about feeling good about oneself within. Since so many are online and using YouTube fitness routines, it’s critical that the creators connect people to the act of self-love. Social media has a tendency to stereotype and categorize people, especially in this industry. However, in 2021 Schifter predicts that all these fitness regimens will continue. The future of fitness is very relative to how social media adapts to certain trends and analytics.
The health and wellness industry has so much to look forward to, as well as the creators spending their time curating these fitness videos. As she said on The Cut, Helen is looking forward to following the 2021 fitness trends. It is exciting to see how social media will continue taking over every industry. Social media has been dominating counties with statistics that are astonishing to many researchers. 2021 better get ready for the next wave on online fitness.