Would you eat a $100 hot dog infused with hundred year-old Cognac?

$100 can get you two iPod shuffles, a week of groceries for a small family or the Dragon Dog from DougieDog in Vancouver, BC. The $100 hot dog is a 12-inch bratwurst infused with Louis XIII de Rémy Martin Cognac ($2,000 per bottle), with Kobe beer, lobster, truffle oil and secret sauce, designed by Proprietor Dougie Luv.

But why? “Two reasons. First, the launch of this hot dog coincides with the beginning of Chinese Year of the Dragon. It also coincides with our appearance on Dragon’s Den, the most popular show on Canadian television,” according to Dougie. 1011 Granville St., Vancouver, BC V6Z 1L2, Canada.

Photography provided by DougieDog

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