Influence networks can have a significant effect on your higher education and career endeavors in the long run. Considering that people continue to say that it’s not what you know, but who you know that will help you succeed in your career, alumni networks can be very beneficial. They can lead to informational interviews, career change assistance, promotions, and access to exclusive job postings as well as meaningful relationships.
Colleges and corporations both focus a lot of attention in creating strong alumni networks, although their goals are slightly different. For corporations, investing in alumni networks can lead to an almost three times increase in revenue per employee and an increase in product innovation of about five times. In fact, businesses that keep alumni engaged can see a possible 44% increase in net new business as well as a 10% increase in positive feelings towards the brand.
You can actively leverage an alumni network by sharing life updates, participate in a committee role, or share the expertise you have built up during webinars. If you’re contacting an alum, remember to share how you got their contact information and why you want to meet as well as send a personalized thank you note if you were able to have an “informational interview” with them.
As for colleges and corporations, they can refine their strategy to maintain a strong alumni network by offering clear benefits, serving the needs of both local and international alumni, and providing beneficial networking opportunities. Leveraging alumni networks in both academic and professional settings can be beneficial in building a successful future, especially in our modern interconnected world.
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