Helen Lee Schifter has written about the need for more young people to gain an understanding and comprehension of what is at stake with the Coronavirus health pandemic and epidemic. Fortunately, it is indeed the case that younger people and the youth demographic altogether have less risk of suffering devastating and G-D forbid fatal consequences if they were to contract COVID-19. But they can still certainly expose others that are older and even elderly members of the population to the virus. This is the part that makes it especially reckless for any young person to not take this matter with the greatest care, caution and concern, possible.
Those health bloggers like Helen Lee Schifter have maintained that the need for awakening young people concerning what’s at stake is something that needed to happen yesterday. Unfortunately, the CDC, the WHO and other health bodies that have been responsible with managing this health crisis have not done an adequate job of enlightening the youth of this country and worldwide of the different risks associated with behaving in a reckless fashion in the face of the Coronavirus.
Shalom Lamm and other entrepreneurs have remarked that this a long overdue educational process that has to take place at the soonest possible time. There are many examples (as chronicled by some areas of the press) of young people partying and engaging socially even in the wake of the Coronavirus. This of course, is especially concerning for a whole litany of reasons.
But what people have to understand (and has to be communicated to young people), is that although they themselves may likely survive if they were to contract the Coronavirus, the risk of them exposing an older or even elderly person to the virus if they contract it , is substantial. For that reason, as Shalom Lamm has noted, it would be the height of irresponsibility for young people to behave and comport themselves on a daily basis as if this risk does not exist.
On the contrary, the youth of the nation and the world must comport themselves with the same level of responsibility and caution that people of all ages are exercising throughout this crisis. There is simply way too much on the line not only for them directly, but also for those that interact with them, and ultimately come into contact with them.
Any young person that continues leading their lives as if the Coronavirus is not a serious issue that’s plaguing society, should be held accountable and responsible. All young people should be obeying and complying with the social distancing protocols and other mandatory requirements to ensure the safety and overall preservation of health of society writ-large. We’ll all be better off that way.