The Things Every Workplace Should Have in Their Reception Area

Your reception area is the first thing people
see when they come to your office. Whether it’s someone who is a potential
client, customer, or coming for a job interview, it’s important to make a great
first impression. If you’re wondering how to make your reception area a little
more impressive, here are some things you could add.

reception desk

When you walk into a strange place, it’s
annoying to not know where to go. If visitors are currently arriving and then
wandering around trying to find a doorbell or instructions on how to get to the
office, then this simply doesn’t look good for your brand. Make sure you have a
desk which is manned when visitors are expected, and at least has a bell or
some other way of getting attention when nobody is around.

seating area

A seating area is another must for reception
areas. When people arrive, they might have to wait for a short amount of time,
and the last thing they want is to be on their feet. You should provide a
seating area with a few items like magazines so that they can pass some time
while they are waiting for you.


If you’ve ever travelled to a meeting, you know
that after a long drive or train ride, you often arrive thirsty and needing a
perk up. It’s worth installing a good quality drink
vending machine

so that people can enjoy their drink of choice
and help themselves. Whether it’s soft drinks or coffee, it’s only polite to
offer refreshments to people who visit, so they feel refreshed and ready for
your meeting.

to keep people busy

If your reception area is more of a waiting
room, where people might be sat for a while, then you might want to focus on
things that can keep people occupied in case of a delay. These could include:

  • A TV screen
  • Magazines
  • A play area for kids
  • Tablets – just make sure
    they’re secured to deter thieves

Nobody wants to sit around with bad phone
reception and no WiFi. Make sure you have a sign displaying your visitors’ WiFi
password so people can connect.


To avoid confusion, make sure you put plenty of
clear signage about where people need to go or what they need to do. For
example, if they need to use the phone to call for a receptionist or whether
they should ring a bell. Nothing is more annoying than sitting around for ages,
then realising nobody is coming to help, so make sure people know what to do on

A reception area makes that all important first
impression. If it’s welcoming, looks nice and has plenty of comfortable
seating, then people feel at ease right away and you have got them in the right
frame of mind. People like to be greeted when they arrive, so having a manned
reception can also improve your company’s image and ensure everyone gets a warm
welcome, whatever reason they are visiting.

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