Pliny the Younger sighting at Lucky Baldwins in East Pasadena and Sierra Madre

If you don’t end up making to any of these Pliny the Younger events tomorrow or Thursday, this weekend might be your last chance to taste 2012’s release of the highly sought after Triple IPA brewed by Santa Rosa-based Russian River Brewing Co in the Los Angeles area.

On Saturday, March 10 at Lucky Baldwins Trappiste Pub & Cafe in East Pasadena will have 150 pours of the Younger. Ticket sales start at 11 AM (first come first serve) for $19 which includes a special glass for you to keep and a second beer. 1770 East Colorado Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91106. 626-844-0447.

And if you end up missing that, Lucky Baldwins Delirium & Cafe in Sierra Madre will have it on tap on Sunday, March 11. Ticket sale starts at 11 AM as well (first come first serve). 21 Kersting Ct., Sierra Madre, CA 91024. 626-355-1140.