Many of us dream about opening our own business and standing on our own two feet. We are growing tired because we are working hard every day and the only thing that we have to show for it is a salary at the end of the week or at the end of the month. Our […]
4 Biggest Mistakes People Make With Their Diets
One of the best things that you can do for your body is to eat a healthy diet. Whether you’re 20 years old or nearing retirement age, everyone could use healthy foods in their life. However, a lot of people miss the mark when it comes to finding the right balance. While there may not […]
Common Food Safety Mistakes
We feel safe in our modern kitchens, surrounded by the latest technologies and convenience and we all had drawers full of cleaners and we do our best to keep a sanitary space to cook in. However, food borne illnesses are still a thing, and serious food poisoning is no joke. It can lead to permanent […]
Beat the Covid Lockdown with These Tips
Who would have thought that 2020 would have been a year with global lockdowns, as the Covid-19 pandemic raged across the world and more than one million people lost their lives. Staying at home might be fine for a few days, but when it stretches into weeks then months, it can become very stressful for […]
Mental Health Issues: Online Solutions to Beat Covid-19
Australia has been hit very hard by the Covid-19 pandemic, with lockdowns and stay-at-home directives, which can be very stressful for some people and due to the medical services being overwhelmed, many people who have mental health issues are not getting the treatment they need. As we all know, talking to someone is very beneficial […]
Veganism In The 21st Century
What would make a person want to stop eating meat and only vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts ECT.? One would wonder why a person may want to cut meat, eggs and dairy from their diet, but there are many reasons for doing such a thing. Helen Lee Schifter, a wellness expert, is highly motivated to being […]