Exploring Fishing Tours & Cooking Them Fresh

Spending the day on the water can be a great way to rejuvenate and have fun with your friends and family. However, discovering where to start and what to do with your daily catch can be overwhelming. Fortunately, we’re going to share with you the different types of fishing tours you can take and assist you in discovering the perfect way to enjoy your fresh catch.

Types of Fishing Tours

While you may think that fishing is all about jumping onto a boat and casting out a line, that’s not all that is involved. You’ll need to decide on the right fishing tour to meet your needs. There are four main types of tours that you can partake in. These include inshore, nearshore, offshore, and deep sea and are broken down based on their distance from the shore.

  • Inshore – 1 mile
  • Nearshore – 2 to 9 miles
  • Offshore – 10 to 50 miles
  • Deep Sea – Over 50 miles

Inshore fishing is a common half-day trip for families looking to get started fishing right after they get on the boat. While the fish are typically smaller, the waters are much calmer, which can be great if you have children coming along. Nearshore fishing is done in somewhat wavy waters that offer bottom fish. Offshore fishing will take up the whole day and allow you access to rough waters and big fish. Deep sea fishing is typically for those who want big game fishing and consists of overnight adventures.

Fresh Fish Recipes

When on your fishing adventure, it’s imperative that you bring a cooler full of ice that will seal up properly. This is the best way to preserve your catch until you’re able to get ashore and prepare it for cooking. You’ll need a sharp knife with a relatively thin blade. You can opt for pan dressing, filleting, or skinning your fish, depending on how you want to prepare it for your meal.

Pan Frying

One of the easiest ways to cook up your fish is with pan frying. You’ll want to cut up your fish into sections. Mix together an egg with about half a cup of milk. You’ll want to dunk your fish pieces into the egg and milk mixture. Then, coat the pieces with flour, cornmeal, or even cracker crumbles. Sear these fish pieces in a frying pan with oil over medium heat for around three to five minutes.

What to Do With Your Trophy Fish?

If you catch a monster of a fish and want to have it mounted, then you’ll need to be careful what you do with your catch right after you get it. You’ll want to preserve the carcass by freezing it. Ideally, you want to sandwich its tail between two sheets of cardboard to ensure it maintains its overall shape. It’s highly recommended that you pass off your fish to your taxidermist of choice within six months to get the best-looking results. However, freezing can preserve your catch for up to one year.

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