“Industrial battery” is used to refer to batteries that are manufactured to withstand possible temperature extremes, heavy use, and more vibrations. These types of batteries are characterized by features that include deep cycles, low/high-temperature resistance, high capacity, high-rate discharge, etc.
It is very important for your organization to know and put into practice the recommended ways of managing your industrial battery well. This is because making this a mandatory practice when handling your industrial battery helps to improve the lifespan of the battery. It also improves the efficiency of your battery in addition to avoiding time wastage and frustrations that may arise when the industrial battery suddenly stopped working.
1. Regular Cleaning
The surfaces need to be cleaned to prevent corrosion and grime build-up that may cause problems. They should be cleaned in a specific area with neutralizing detergent and appropriate equipment. The battery needs to be cleaned regularly in the event of water drip, overflow, after watering, and to remove dirt and dam. Baking soda acts as a good neutralizer for this purpose.
2. Control Excessive Temperature
Industrial batteries are sensitive to temperature which can negatively affect their performance. It is recommended to ensure that your battery has charged up to 100% before stopping. It should then be allowed to cool after charging before it is put to use. Not allowing it to cool may result in damaging the battery or even the electrical circuit.
3. Charge When the Power Capacity is 20% Down
The power of the industrial battery should not be allowed to go below 20% before charging. This harms the battery by interfering with its performance. Discharging the battery below 20% power and also multi charging it without allowing it to be full reduces its life span. Allow the battery to charge only when you have enough time for charging till full.
4. Electrolyte Level Check
Frequently check to maintain the level of electrolyte above the battery cell elements. It is good to note that, a battery is not watered anyhow. It should be charged before watering because the heat during charging can cause overflow. However, a small amount of water can be added in case the level is quite low.
5. Precautions for Safety
When performing maintenance, it is good to have personal protective equipment like gloves, aprons, safety glasses, and other gear. Also, ensure that there is adequate ventilation during maintenance. This is because batteries contain that are corrosive and can burn the skin and eyes in case of splash or contacts.
6. When in Doubt Call for Expert Assistance
In your organization, the industrial battery should only be handled and managed by the responsible person. This is because it is risky both to the organization and also to an individual who is not aware of how it works. In case of doubt, it is encouraged that a trusted expert needs to be consulted to intervene.
7. Use Equalizer Charger When Needed
Some industrial batteries require this charger to function efficiently. The charger has a button that is turned on during charging. More on how the equalizer charger is used can be consulted from its manual. However, the use of this charger increases the charging time for your battery.